jillgreen2011: BYOB Day 9 - Movement and Stillness
jillgreen2011: BYOB day 14 - Light and Self Portraits
jillgreen2011: byob day 14 - light and self portraits
jillgreen2011: byob day 14 - light and self portraits
jillgreen2011: byob day 11 - Savouring a moment
jillgreen2011: BYOB day 11 - Savouring a moment
jillgreen2011: BYOB - day 8
jillgreen2011: Be your own beloved Day 7
jillgreen2011: Be Your Own Beloved - day 7
jillgreen2011: BYOB - day 7
jillgreen2011: Day 6 - Reflection of me
jillgreen2011: Day 5 - These hands hold my stories
jillgreen2011: Day 4 - taking pleasure in the little things on my self-care walk. I love flowers and can't seem to get enough photos of them. They just make me smile and marvel at nature's wonders.
jillgreen2011: Playfulness does not come easily to me. Must work on that.
jillgreen2011: may2download 030
jillgreen2011: Step one - be your own beloved
jillgreen2011: She Art Girl for auction event
jillgreen2011: She Art girl for auction event
jillgreen2011: She Art girl for auction event
jillgreen2011: She Art Girl for auction event
jillgreen2011: She Art Girl for auction event
jillgreen2011: She Art Girl for my son's girlfriend
jillgreen2011: A She Art Mermaid for my daughter