Chris Pople: Exterior
Chris Pople: Exterior
Chris Pople: Interior
Chris Pople: Some kind of cold tomato amuse that tasted like those pots of salsa you get with Doritos corn chips
Chris Pople: Basil butter, and some other kind of butter
Chris Pople: House bread
Chris Pople: Barbecued heart of palm, bisque, octopus & wild fennel
Chris Pople: Spicy duck foie gras pebble, frosted piquillos & lemon caviar
Chris Pople: This wasn't mine, not sure what it was
Chris Pople: Stone bass, wild asparagus, apple sour & liquorice
Chris Pople: Rump of lamb, citrus, aromatic chicory & water blossom gel
Chris Pople: Pre-dessert of sorbet
Chris Pople: ...which came in a Death Star
Chris Pople: Solar system dessert of "green pea & apricot variation, Saint-Germain & almond ice cream"
Chris Pople: Ice cream in a husk
Chris Pople: Petit fours