Chris Pople: Filleting a sea bream using chopsticks, Yotaro tempura restaurant Tokyo
Chris Pople: Custard tart-making machine, Kyoto food market
Chris Pople: Imperial villa, Kyoto
Chris Pople: Imperial villa, Kyoto
Chris Pople: Walk through the imperial villa, Kyoto
Chris Pople: Imperial villa, Kyoto
Chris Pople: Stream at the imperial villa, Kyoto
Chris Pople: Imperial villa, Kyoto
Chris Pople: On the train to the mountains, Kyoto
Chris Pople: On the train to the Kyoto mountains
Chris Pople: Our teeny train to the Kyoto mountains
Chris Pople: Waiting for a bus in the Kyoto mountains
Chris Pople: Lunch in a mountain restaurant, Kyoto
Chris Pople: Lunch on a wooden platform above a mountain stream and waterfall, Kyoto
Chris Pople: Kyoto mountain restaurant
Chris Pople: An escalator with a remarkably long level bit at the bottom, Kyoto
Chris Pople: Zen garden, Kyoto
Chris Pople: Zen garden, Kyoto
Chris Pople: Somewhere in Kyoto
Chris Pople: Kyoto temple garden
Chris Pople: Water feature, Kyoto temple
Chris Pople: Outside a temple in Kyoto suburbs
Chris Pople: Kiyomizu Temple, Kyoto
Chris Pople: View from the wooden terrace at Kiyomizu Temple, Kyoto
Chris Pople: Kiyomizu Temple, Kyoto
Chris Pople: Big butterflies, Kyoto
Chris Pople: Bamboo forest, Kyoto
Chris Pople: Puffer fish (Fugu) in a fish shop window, Kyoto
Chris Pople: Preparing the first course of a foraged tasting menu, Kyoto
Chris Pople: Explaining a course at the foraged tasting menu, Kyoto