mikee scott: Newhaven Harbour
mikee scott: Forth bridges
mikee scott: Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop
mikee scott: Pillars of Hercules
mikee scott: Winter Woodland (1)
mikee scott: Winter Woodland (2)
mikee scott: Winter Green (1)
mikee scott: Winter Green (2)
mikee scott: Winter Green (3)
mikee scott: Winter Trees
mikee scott: Slàinte Mhath
mikee scott: Boxing Day Stroll
mikee scott: Re-Regeneration
mikee scott: Re-Regeneration
mikee scott: Clinical Graffiti
mikee scott: Crieff Hydro Gardens
mikee scott: Snowbound, Crieff Hydro Hotel
mikee scott: Crieff Hydro Hotel
mikee scott: Wee Shop & House
mikee scott: Brolly, no skis!
mikee scott: The White House
mikee scott: St Andrew's Halls Church
mikee scott: Holy Corner
mikee scott: Vehicles, watch out!
mikee scott: Haddfoot Wynd, Anstruther
mikee scott: The Ship Tavern, Shore Street, Anstruther
mikee scott: The Murray Library, Shore Street, Anstruther
mikee scott: November Sky Late Afternoon
mikee scott: Tidal Pool
mikee scott: Tidal Swimming Pool