koen_jacobs: Parade!
Naturescrack: A beautiful Greta oto
Suzanne's stream: a beautiful church
Syed HJ: 39960035 - Ironsmith
diamonds_in_the_soles_of_her_shoes: “For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.” ― Kahlil Gibran
ann.j.west: November 18
cybersooz: Just Barely Hanging in There
ct_digital_photog: Ground Zero Angel - 9/11/2002
Philocycler: background
Saul Blumenthal: Morning in the Public Garden
Thomas Shahan: Wandering Spider - Cupiennius salei - Cayo District, Belize
Thomas Shahan: Target Tortoise Beetle (Ischnocodia annulus) - Belize
cybersooz: Cheeseburgers with Cheese
Syed HJ: PA100370 - Fall Foliage
Syed HJ: IMG_0031_2_3 - The Martha Mary Chapel
Syed HJ: IMG_0687 - Gnarly Trees
ct_digital_photog: fish-09821
cybersooz: Night Playground
Allison E's shots: AllisonEvansHeadShots
Syed HJ: IMG_4400 - Tomb of Emperor Jahangir
cybersooz: Capsicum glowum
Thomas Shahan: Phidippus putnami - Male Jumping Spider - Oklahoma
Syed HJ: IMG_0723 - Windows of old memories
cybersooz: Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Syed HJ: IMG_0804 - Sultan Ahmet Mosque
Syed HJ: IMG_0809 - Sultan Ahmet Mosque