eric15: Dive Aruba Barcadera Topaz
eric15: Dive Aruba Barcadera Topaz
eric15: Dive Aruba Barcadera Topaz
eric15: Dive Aruba Barcadera Topaz
eric15: Dive Aruba Barcadera Topaz
eric15: Flamingo tongue snail
eric15: Hibiscus
eric15: eye
eric15: An octopus shell collection
eric15: Crab
eric15: Chain Moray Eel
eric15: Light
eric15: Coral bleaching pillar coral Aruba
eric15: A Stonefish too
eric15: Frogfish Porto Mari
eric15: A white speckled hermit crab hiding in a sponge
eric15: A Tarpon too
eric15: A colorful lettuce snail
eric15: Filefish
eric15: A Speck Claw decorator crab 2
eric15: A lettuce snail portrait
eric15: A spotted eel
eric15: A Sepia Water Color
eric15: Goldentail Moray
eric15: A lettuce snail
eric15: spotted cleaner shrimp
eric15: Flamingo Tongue
eric15: Eye of the flounder - you will need to look better if you don't see it ;-)
eric15: Eel
eric15: Cockpit