Eric_Dennis: IMG_9698
Eric_Dennis: IMG_9683
Eric_Dennis: IMG_9282
Eric_Dennis: IMG_9240
Eric_Dennis: IMG_9239
Eric_Dennis: 5DB_9186
Eric_Dennis: 5DB_6755
Eric_Dennis: 5DB_6397
Eric_Dennis: Slider5
Eric_Dennis: Slider4
Eric_Dennis: Slider3
Eric_Dennis: Slider2
Eric_Dennis: Slider1
Eric_Dennis: Orange Soda Films
Eric_Dennis: Orange Soda Films
Eric_Dennis: Sony-PMW-F3 + RED 50-150mm F2.8 = AWESOME
Eric_Dennis: Oral History Shoot at CHM
Eric_Dennis: Regulated Dc-Dc Universal Car Adaptor
Eric_Dennis: Trip Route
Eric_Dennis: Alatna River - near source
Eric_Dennis: Gates of the Arctic - Top of the Alatna
Eric_Dennis: Alatna River
Eric_Dennis: Gates of the Arctic tundra
Eric_Dennis: Arrigetch