Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: I have absolutely no vision when it comes to quilting designs. I just want to be known as a piecer. Okay?? "This is my friend Kaki, she's a piecer." "Would you like one of my pieces" "I piece for a living" "I made my son a piece" "Do you like my piece?" K
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: Some people try to complicate love by defining what it can and cannot do. It's that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach, the thoughts of another that make your heart swell, the desire to reach out to a stranger in kindness...that is love. Don't tr
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: There is a new law in the Kingdom of Fabric and Tread: your beverage must match your quilt block. This is a law fully supported by the Prince of Honeyhill.
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: Does it get more girly than that?
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: See what I mean??? #economyblockalong #selfishsewingfest2014
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: #economyblockalong #selfishsewingfest2014 Sigh...I'm 18 blocks away from finishing this pork and I don't want it to end.
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: Princess longed for a little rest... It's truly amazing to me how little bits of fabric can be so thought provoking...so compelling.
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: Y'all, I think I want to open a gift wrapping business. Wrapping prezzies is so fun. Yeah, let's do that.
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: This sweet baby quilt is headed to it's new home tomorrow. I love how how simple, yet happy this #thimbleblossoms pattern is. Little quilty, keep your precious baby warm. ❤️
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: There was even a built in label...an ellie label of course. ;) FYI: I'm going to be a Kaki again. @cortneymcollins I love you so much sweetie!
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: The binding might be my favorite part of this quilt. Oh, and binding means I'm close to a FINISH!! #2014finishit #whoop
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: And this fabric...don't forget the fabric.
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: Squeee!!! The cube farm is going to be so much better with a fairy garden. ☺️
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: Had a FaceTime pawty with my little fluffy dude.
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: Dear sweet baby #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap partners...I. NEED. YOU!!! The deadline for shipping was this past Monday, that means 100 of you sweet swappers should have emailed/tagged/messaged me to let me know that you've shipped or that you will very
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: Maybe somewhere like Jamacia, Columbia, Netherlands or Japan? I've been to two the of these places, @kelleighz has been to all four. #sisterhoodTQ . I'm mailing this week @moonlightsewing
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: These cuties will soon be turned into pin cushions!
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: My goodies made me squeal with delight! @karriofberries icant believe you had note cards made just for me! How did you do that? I adore them. The octopus pen!!! The quilt labels you made are genius. I've been coveting all of the HR prints you used and gav
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: I. DIE. @karriofberries you are amazing. My favorite block, and you shared your cherished Heather Ross prints with me. Girl, you made my day. I love it more than words can say, it's absolutely perfect. Thank you so, so much, friend! @sarcasticquilter you
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: It's been a long time since I've worked an improv piece. Now I remember how much I love digging through the scrap bins and just letting the colors and textures take me on an adventure. #mustdomoreimprov #scraphappy
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: I might be in love with fabric flowers.
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: Cutest! #selvedge #selvedgespools
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: Dear Swappers, please don't forget to DM or email your moderator once you have SENT and RECEIVED your #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap mini. Your help in keeping track of all of our precious minis is greatly appreciated. Happy swapping!!! #makeaquiltmakeafri
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: I found this adorable vintage pillow case a few weeks ago and it looks like it was made for my #katespain Verna quilt. I love it when that happens!
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: Today I'm working on a commission using a Grandfather's shirts. As these beautiful threadbare fabrics run through my hands, thought of him run through my head. I didn't know this man, but I feel his loving spirit with me as I sew. He was a farmer for all
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: Y'ALLLL!!!!!!!' I HAVE 2 BABY BIRDIES!!!!! THEY ARE OUTSIDE MY SEWING ROOM WINDOW!!!! I love them so much, I literally screamed when I saw them. ❤️ #babies #birdymomma #feedthebabies
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: Partner, speak now or forever hold your peace! This is my final design, unless you say otherwise. If it's too "cutesy" I'm happy to try something else. #gonogotime #yesorno
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: Really...I mean there's a whole entire house and she sleeps here. #dogsofinstagram #puppylove #letsnap
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: Making progress on my #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap quilty. My partner has been pretty quiet, so I hope I'm headed in the right direction.
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: Looks like I'm gunna be chopped liver this weekend. #jakecomeshome