welshie05: DSC_2150
55jb: 20130629_154840
Audmob: IMG_1682
kare + iori: IMG_0310
ronjac2: 20230419_075718
ajmc2008: We said goodbye to Bob last week, he went to sleep peacefully in his garden. He made it to 16.5, 10 of those years with us.
timku: Berry eating Parakeets in a London garden
davewebster14: Foxholes, East Yorkshire
PAD&T 2: 199745007_531373547998991_4099277985075009119_n
guqvobrf82: Lenny Elton 🌼
AudChap: xoB2QgEBQDOgposmgTfLZQ
louisewalker: Not bad for 77 yrs old.
Images George Rex: Weathervane, Woodcote House
welshie05: image
Noey2010: Just love to play ball
andywt2009: New Brighton, Wirral
Edwyn UK: Karen and Edwyn post ice cream
PAD&T 2: 19702140_10155554279957769_3963431416325342548_n (1)
wel1shie: Dulcie & Dooley 2
wel1shie: Dulcie & Dooley 1
iolobach: Darcey in her new home Learning sit!
wel1shie: Dulcie. Just chillin
wel1shie: Dools & Dulcie
Edwyn UK: Edwyn is 10
welshaire: Dooley having a cuddle
wel1shie: Dools 1