kazg5: Rosie, Dooley and Barney toast by the Aga
kazg5: Rosie, Dooley and Barney
kazg5: Dooley in his new bed
kazg5: S1050702
kazg5: Dooley and Barney
kazg5: Dooley agrees to wear his Christmas jumper once!
kazg5: S1050714
kazg5: "Are you talking to me?"
kazg5: Ashton Memorial, Williamson Park, Lancaster
kazg5: Ashton Memorial, Williamson Park, Lancaster
kazg5: Mum's childhood home
kazg5: Dooley meets a sea monster
kazg5: Two tired doggies
kazg5: Dooley in bed 3
kazg5: Dooley steals Rosie's bed!
kazg5: Dooley in bed 2
kazg5: Dooley in bed