naromeel: Ride along
Gummy Gue: La Murgia
Etna Walk: Salvatore Ragonese - Etna UP&DOWN
Massimo1989: Vita pioniera " Tag " on -line performance Call of duty PS4 " Installazione di 35 gocce d’acqua " ”35 drops of water “
Rianetna: Snowman
Gummy Gue: Castrofilippo 2014
Gummy Gue: Castrofilippo 2014
I Support Street Art: Astronaut landmark wall in Berlin. Thats the full title. An amazing piece created by Victor Ash in south Berlin that has served as a monumental piece of art since years. Apparently at night there is a shadow of a flag pole standing on the right hand of th zinestan flagshirt saloon Łódź
KaleidoscopicAt: green eyes and black fur
laurina paperina: "Zio Pork Studio" in trasferta ad Arte Fiera, Bologna. 23 > 27 gennaio - Pad. 25 Stand A 55
Lippenherz: 01:16 am | #Kreuzberg #Instagram
Rianetna: Temporale sulle Madonie
Yellabelly*: Evening Walk with Smartphone
laurina paperina: #smurf #shit @ freight and volume gallery, new york, from 12th september!
laurina paperina: in the city
♥Vali♥: Cose inutili :)
patlugo.PHOTO: IMGPw2375
bayt: InterSolar, Munich, Germany
Rianetna: Votický javor
evoldaily: a small town in vyksa ...