mumble1965: Evil on the wing
mumble1965: The Copse
mumble1965: Water crest
mumble1965: Cute killer
mumble1965: Has anyone noticed I've forgotten the words?
mumble1965: Heart n soul
mumble1965: Focus
mumble1965: Ist in a while
mumble1965: Blue sharing bacon and eggs
mumble1965: Angles
mumble1965: Valley mist
mumble1965: True Grit
mumble1965: Biting the bullet
mumble1965: One more turn...
mumble1965: Youngsters - Pah!
mumble1965: All the way up there?
mumble1965: Taste of victory?
mumble1965: I never saw you there!
mumble1965: Getting there!
mumble1965: Blown?
mumble1965: Determination!
mumble1965: One too many?
mumble1965: Nervous?
mumble1965: Suck it up!
mumble1965: Spoilt for choice
mumble1965: Pollen heaven
mumble1965: Spider's fajita