jan-loup: Grèbe castagneux / Tachybaptus ruficollis / Little Grebe
jan-loup: Grand Cormoran / Phalacrocorax carbo / Great Cormorant
jan-loup: Faucon Kobez / Falco vespertinus / Red-footed Falcon
jan-loup: Gorgebleue à miroir / Luscinia svecica / Bluethroat
jan-loup: Cigogne blanche / Ciconia ciconia / White Stork
krishchandran: Bluethroat
Arun Prasad S: Banded bay cuckoo
photodawg2008: "The Look"
krishchandran: Amur Falcon
krishchandran: Lammergeier
krishchandran: Wire-tailed Swallow (Hirundo smithii)
Fabio Cecchin: Portofino.
Thy Photography: Lazuli Bunting (m) - IM2K15-311 EXP2
David Go ~: acid green [Explored 03 June 2015]
Neo7Geo: Free.....
Dara or: There are ways of telling whether she's a witch
naddesigns: Red and White Tulips
M@rcassin: Ectophasia crassipennis
BartvanDam: Three
Dave Trono: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
rachelsloman: Macro Monday - Stripes - Feather
jan.wallin: what´s inside (explored)
JimmyKastner: Midtown Strike
Vincent_Ting: Misty dawn
Dennis_Ramos: Trump II
ardvorak79: Downside-up
Sa Mu: A turquoise turkish coffee... On Explore ( #5 02 June 2015 )