auntielisa25: Starling visits the pink Christmas forest.
auntielisa25: Mewry Cwristmas!!
auntielisa25: What? You don't wike chickies?
auntielisa25: Spencer dressed like a little forest girl wearing Mab and Ash Couture..Mama was so happy to find this little fox hat to match her Mab cameo! Yay! :-)
auntielisa25: I'm a widdle weaf!
auntielisa25: Got Batman?
auntielisa25: Az rockin' her Tinkerina Captain America sweater! :-D
auntielisa25: Spencer loves bunnies
auntielisa25: PINK! :-)
auntielisa25: Sunset
auntielisa25: Can you see me? I'm hiding..
auntielisa25: Starling climbed a tree..
auntielisa25: Close-up of Spencer-My Factory Girl!
auntielisa25: Spencer and the Vampoodles!
auntielisa25: Starling in her new dress. <3
auntielisa25: Just more pretty Starling spam
auntielisa25: Close up of the dress..
auntielisa25: Summer Outfit!
auntielisa25: A little more Starling spam
auntielisa25: Sweet Starling got a new dress..
auntielisa25: My little Angel-my darling Starling. <3
auntielisa25: Nilla in her new bear hat..
auntielisa25: Anna Mae kisses Starling and tells her it will be okay..No more high flying twins.." Mom tells Truly "Show is over!" :-)
auntielisa25: Too much excitement for sweet little Starling..
auntielisa25: High Flying "Trooly"
auntielisa25: "Oh no!" "Truly be careful with the twins!"
auntielisa25: "Look Starling" I'm flying Trooly" "Now I will do tricks with the Twins!"
auntielisa25: Little Starling is scared because Truly is trying to do trapeze tricks!
auntielisa25: I think I must have hugged her at least 3 times today..<3
auntielisa25: She's so loveable..