Andrew G Robertson: The Citadel
Carsten Bahnsen: Reh / Roe deer ( Capreolus_capreolus)
Baloulumix: Tentacules colorées ou "attaque visuelle" de Designs in air, La Défense, Courbevoie, France 2019
VenusTraum: Bootchen fahren im Tierpark von Karlsruhe
VenusTraum: Kunstwerk vor der Rheingoldhalle in Mainz
VenusTraum: Kunstwerk mit buntem Teppich
VenusTraum: Feuer bereit
Gary Randall: Tracking Time at Fort Rock
Mike & Indy: Lazy Boy.
davemurphy8: Rock,paper,scissors
shaunyoung365: Fitzroy Mountain Range
beaugraph: Nature
simonpe86: Three little acorns
judi may: The last performance... [Explore]
Ellen van den Doel: Sunset at Yport (EXPLORE)
andymoore732: Macro Mondays - Three - 3 Cherries ( in Explore 25th July 2017)
brucetopher: Three Spirals
fotoerdmann: Three paintbrushes. (Explored 25.7.2017)
albert dros: Gladiator
davy ren2: Long eared
barak.shacked: Star Trails Around Abandoned Mosque
Edd Noble: Hybrid
Naska Photographie: Le feux aux trousses
Sandra Herber: Lightning Strike II
noémie1717: Delicate
Teolc Eniger: Gondoles
PhotoToasty: Patricia Symmetry
carlos pataca: boat o.c.d.