rstickney37: Philodendron melanochrysum
dustaway: rainforest at Palm Grove
tranquilometro: Fernandoa magnifica
tranquilometro: Dendrobium lindleyi
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Impressive plant from the Piperaceae family seen while guiding a short botany and nature tour in Farallones de Cali region, Valle del Cauca department, Colombia. Pictures made with the cell phone.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Let's conserve the fabulous and highly diversified cloud forests ! Columnea dimidiata (Gesneriaceae family) attracts hummingbirds from a distance thanks to the colors under its leaves to get pollinated. Valle del Cauca department, Colombia.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Dracula chimaera floreciendo (especie endémica de Colombia) in situ en el bosque andino nuboso, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Dracula gorgona floreciendo in situ (Distribución: endémica de Colombia entre 1800 y 2500 m snm), Antioquia, Colombia
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Enfoque sobre el centro de la flor de Dracula chimaera in situ (Distribución: endémica de Colombia desde 1400 hasta 2450 n snm), encontrada durante un tour de observación de orquídeas con Ecotone tours in Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Sebastian Vieira-Uribe: Stelis microchila
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: If there is a rare and strange species I have been lucky to see and picture, this is probably the one. Dracula carcinopsis flowering in situ, endemic from Colombia in Risaralda department. Another one of the many "monkey face" orchid species.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: The superb and giant Clusia grandiflora (Clusiaceae family) flower in Guaviare department, Colombia
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Anthurium is another eye catching group of plants for which Colombia is first on Earth in diversity. Here one of the most mythical species, one of the endemic "Black Anthurium" (in reality dark purple) A. caramantae in situ in Antioquia department.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: What can we say in front of such a show found in a cloud forest of Farallones de Cali ? Probably "Thank you and may this be preserved for much more time"... Columnea dimidiata (Gesneriaceae family), Valle del Cauca department, Colombia.
kuno mejina: Amorphophallus kiusianus
CaliforniaAroids: AmorphoLewalleiBloomSide19JUL07.jpg
John Forlonge: Amorphophallus lambii
kuno mejina: Amorphophallus kiusianus
A Botanical Wonderland (Million+ views): Amorphophallus Impressus
A Botanical Wonderland (Million+ views): Amorphophallus Impressus
Ruud de Block: Amorphophallus konjac-004
YoyoFreelance: Amorphophallus bulbifer 珠芽魔芋
afriorchids: Dracontium croatii
gardenersassistant: 1624 11 2020_03_14 P1040276_PLab3 SP9-Edit LR 1300h
gardenersassistant: 1624 39 2020_03_14 No FlashP1040558_PLab3 SP9-Edit LR 1300h
gardenersassistant: 1628 12 P1980983_PLab3 DCP SP9-Edit LR 1300h
gardenersassistant: 1632 Illustration 12 - FZ330 with KX800 and Raynox 150, with LCD hood, on tripod
里卡豆: 王功漁港|LEICA DG 200mm f/2.8
Claudia L aus B: Rüsselkäfer