Justin Kenderes: Climbing at Wheeler Gorge
mcshots: JudyAndFriends
bertrandrobion: IMG_1202.jpg
Bahman Farzad: Black and white lotus flower - IMG_6591-2-g-full-1-1000
Curtis Eberhardt: Vine Street
Javier Castellanas: In the same direction
Curtis Eberhardt: Reality Check
Curtis Eberhardt: Afterlight
Yun Lin: long time ago~!!!
jensvins: The roof of Casa Batlló
Mplanells: Cap Martinet
Raymond Hoffmann: [ … early in the morning ]
Jón Óskar.: Hvítserkur
oskarpall: Mistical ships of Icelandic waters...
` Toshio ': Shinkyo (the sacred bridge) in Nikko, Japan
oskarpall: Foss á síðu
oskarpall: Cold, cold water
risquillo: Agua que seca