Jean Mallows: #DepthofField
Jean Mallows: Winter Blossoms
Jean Mallows: Snow and ice - pretty but hard for the birds.
Jean Mallows: Sunrise
Jean Mallows: #Recursion
Jean Mallows: There's a #hidden world" up above those clouds!
Jean Mallows: #Signals
Jean Mallows: #NewBeginning.
Jean Mallows: #FlickrFriday#WhyNot
Jean Mallows: #FlickrFriday #Breathe
Jean Mallows: #This is my World
Jean Mallows: Loving the peanuts!
Jean Mallows: #ElementaryDearWatson
Jean Mallows: #FlickerFriday #BreadAndButter
Jean Mallows: #Believe
Jean Mallows: Underfoot on a foggy morning
Jean Mallows: #Melting
Jean Mallows: #Remote
Jean Mallows: #Chimera (Explored)
Jean Mallows: Neon - and more
Jean Mallows: #Leaves (Explored)
Jean Mallows: #What'sForDinner?
Jean Mallows: Red-bellied Woodpecker
Jean Mallows: Lazy Maggie
Jean Mallows: Little Buck
Jean Mallows: Gt Blue Heron
Jean Mallows: Canada Goose
Jean Mallows: After the rainstorm
Jean Mallows: Water Treatment Plant
Jean Mallows: Great Blue Heron