Keertana Iyer: Do you fall for the Puppy Doggy face?
Keertana Iyer: The curtain. I was travelling from Mumbai to Pune.. and when we were nearing Lonavala, it started raining so much. :) What a beautiful weather! :) Day 4, September 4th, 2011
Keertana Iyer: ‎"The most glowing successes are but reflections of an inner fire" Day 5, 5th September, 2011
Keertana Iyer: Bird's Eye View
Keertana Iyer: I <3 Reading
Keertana Iyer: Start of something new! :)
Keertana Iyer: Its just you and the rains! :)
Keertana Iyer: Tell the world! :)
Keertana Iyer: Ba(o)nd
Keertana Iyer: Red Red, Wine
Keertana Iyer: "One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs,or the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls."
Keertana Iyer: Colours
Keertana Iyer: IMG_4660
Keertana Iyer: High Hopes
Keertana Iyer: Bright Future
Keertana Iyer: Tell the world
Keertana Iyer: IMG_4485
Keertana Iyer: IMG_4474
Keertana Iyer: IMG_4457
Keertana Iyer: IMG_4434
Keertana Iyer: Sunshine
Keertana Iyer: Nothing cheers you up like a quite evening watching the sunset
Keertana Iyer: Momsie Pie