BrkatiKrokodil: 20140904-DSCF1212-Edit
Zeb Andrews: Garden Wall
Laser Bread: Exhibitionist coffee cup
Zeb Andrews: Au Revoir Michel
Zeb Andrews: Cloister
Zeb Andrews: Through the trees and over the fields we go
Zeb Andrews: A gentle morning at Mont Saint-Michel
Zeb Andrews: The army at the gate
marijakovacina: ---_0007
Zeb Andrews: Above it all, below it all
Dave Weir: 09.01.14
Zeb Andrews: Along the way to history
Zeb Andrews: Release the sheep
Zeb Andrews: Release the sheep, pt.2
Zeb Andrews: Even where there are barely streets, there is street art
Zeb Andrews: Back to the mont
Zeb Andrews: The abbey at Mont Saint-Michel
BrkatiKrokodil: 20140422-DSC_4638
BrkatiKrokodil: 20140322-_DSC2501-Edit
Dave Weir: Wanaka
BrkatiKrokodil: 20140318-IMG_6343-Edit
Zeb Andrews: le spectacle
Zeb Andrews: Île de la Cité
Dave Weir: Moon rise, Aurora, and the milkyway
Zeb Andrews: Now they allow themselves to be seen