louys:: swirl pool
louys:: the canal in the city
louys:: Bridge over water
louys:: fog descends on Edinburgh (3)
louys:: loch reflections
louys:: Esk estuary
louys:: late autumn
louys:: bleak times
louys:: overhang
louys:: when river meets sea
louys:: lake view (b&w)
louys:: lake view (colour)
louys:: Spring blooms while she dreams
louys:: two swans a-swimming
louys:: supervising
louys:: geese enjoy the show
louys:: water colours
louys:: The river finds its way to the sea
louys:: sea shells
louys:: doubling
louys:: hot lake
louys:: branching shadow
louys:: fog webs
louys:: pigeons panicking in the park
louys:: swan family, feeding
louys:: viewing platform with no wildlife to view
louys:: heads down
louys:: Duddingston Loch
louys:: tree creep
louys:: left out of the gang