louys:: Ripples and reflections
louys:: twofer
louys:: Rectory Wood (1)
louys:: raindrops keep falling
louys:: Rectory wood (2)
louys:: Columns, real and reflected
louys:: ripply
louys:: water lights
louys:: V&A, Dundee
louys:: "... the barge she sat in, like a burnish'd throne, Burned on the water" (Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra" Act 2, Scene 2.
louys:: Silhouettes & Reflections
louys:: Twilight in Dundee
louys:: "... and no birds sing" (Keats)
louys:: window selfie
louys:: 10-19
louys:: mirror mirror
louys:: the stone guest
louys:: threesome
louys:: Dory meets Star
louys:: wrecked
louys:: linked-in
louys:: window selfie or how I acquired horns
louys:: without them, things blur
louys:: how to ride a train without a ticket
louys:: Similarities and differences, with reflections
louys:: the canal in the city
louys:: pairs
louys:: It has been raining hard!
louys:: straight-laced
louys:: cemetery bokeh