louys:: snail 3
louys:: snail 2
louys:: snail 1
louys:: into the light
louys:: out of the mulch
louys:: tangled in the web
louys:: wetness
louys:: reflections on apple
louys:: Das Ende (1)
louys:: Das Ende (2)
louys:: Drip. Will it drop?
louys:: left-over
louys:: louys1.jpg
louys:: louys1-8.jpg
louys:: Foxglove, dying
louys:: old rope
louys:: What lovely teeth you have!
louys:: 3 X 3
louys:: lens test at f/2
louys:: spectral growths
louys:: Frost fingers
louys:: broken dreams
louys:: faded glory
louys:: condiments
louys:: under lock and key
louys:: light shineth in the darkness
louys:: the wooden look
louys:: icicle monster swallows flower pot
louys:: snow holes
louys:: still life on the shelf