louys:: gnarled
louys:: Edinburgh Frost 2
louys:: view of Holyrood Palace and Calton Hill, Edinburgh
louys:: a place to rest
louys:: Edinburgh Castle
louys:: "Loveliest of trees, the Cherry now ... "
louys:: dazzled by the blaze of autumn colour
louys:: colours of autumn at the bottom of my garden
louys:: tree and loch
louys:: Gayfield Square, Edinburgh
louys:: autumnal glow, Edinburgh
louys:: Spot the magpie
louys:: morning light among trees
louys:: Sequoia Americana
louys:: Wedding Cake tree
louys:: "... what branches grow/ Out of this stony rubbish?"
louys:: DSCF0581c
louys:: an evening walk
louys:: bend not break
louys:: a way through the woods
louys:: "Begin afresh, afresh, afresh"
louys:: Happy Easter!
louys:: Spring leaf
louys:: the raven 1
louys:: the raven 2
louys:: monkey puzzle tree
louys:: "Loveliest of trees ... " (Housman)
louys:: Spring at the Loch
louys:: dancing on the edge
louys:: sunbathing, early Spring