kitty jujube: "MYSTICAL GARDEN" ....SOLD! United States
kitty jujube: I CARRY YOUR HEART WITH ME...series 01/10/2015.....SOLD United States
kitty jujube: POEM WITHOUT WORDS............sold United States
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): wonderful stamp Cuba 1c Mexican Fritillary (Euptoieta hegesia hegesia, butterfly, Schmetterling) postage sello francobolli Cuba selo 1c poste timbre Briefmarken Kuba 黑豹 Куба
Monika Seelig: The Cock
HingWong: Dance of the Autumn Leaves
kitty jujube: "COLOUR POEM".......SOLD United States
Gustav Klim: The House_Petal
chapelcross3: 2010-04 reflective tlr
Lord Jezzer: Around the Corner
Victoria Yarlikova: Behind the fence
Dmitriy Ryabov: flying over the wires
Dmitriy Ryabov: strange dream
Dmitriy Ryabov: dangerously close
dushiforum: three of a kind