SMS88aec: SMS683 SMS369 SMS753 July 1987 when I owned all 3 of them
SMS88aec: London Transport AEC Militant 1457MR + BL31 KJD431P with broken driveshaft! Edgware garage September 1980
SMS88aec: SMS304 + SMS172 + DMS2433 (before it burned) seen August 1978
SMS88aec: 1970 AEC Swifts SMS290 EGN290J + SMS289 EGN289J Edgware station August 1979
SMS88aec: 1970 AEC Swift SMS293 EGN293J withdrawn for scrap Edgware
SMS88aec: AEC SWifts SMD63 AML63H , SMS170 EGN170J + SM26 AML26H Edgware scrap line April 1980
SMS88aec: Scrap SMd63 with preserved RF183 April 1980
SMS88aec: SMS325 as written off
SMS88aec: SMS830 SMS663 4.3.79
SMS88aec: SMS834 EWw 4.3.79
SMS88aec: SMS159 SMS663 RT4515 DMS671 December 1978
SMS88aec: 1970 AEC Swift SMS155 EGN155J at Edgware robbed about to go for scrap
SMS88aec: AEC London Buses Routemaster RML2595 JJD595D + Swift SMS369 EGN369J Edgware Station
SMS88aec: SMS343 for scrap, SMS369 for resale
SMS88aec: SMS376 EGN376J October 1980 (1 month left) - note odd street lamp!
SMS88aec: SMS714 JGF714K Edgware August 1979
SMS88aec: SM17 outside Venture depot 1986
SMS88aec: Hearns of Edgware school bus MB309 outside Edgware garage
SMS88aec: MCW SMS601 + PRV SMS369 seen 1989 South Harrow
SMS88aec: 1977 Bristol LH BL70 written off for scrap September 1982 after accident - bus unwanted as they hadnt got enough work for all their buses
SMS88aec: even showbuses broke down sometimes! 2372L + LS402 January 1985
SMS88aec: Ford D series EGN732J 1656F of London Transport
SMS88aec: London Transport Ford D 1666F EGN742J series Honeypot lane summer 1979
SMS88aec: London Transport Ford D series JGF526K 1749F Edgware early 1985
SMS88aec: JOV745P + JOV784P under refurbishment Edgware 1987
SMS88aec: JOV766P + JOV760P
SMS88aec: New M1180 passes freshly overhauled M388
SMS88aec: M1333 nearly new
SMS88aec: Mercedes Optare Starrider SR51 F51CWY route H12 during short loan to Harrow Buses for type training