The Paul Reid: Vanessa Portra II
The Paul Reid: Henry Portra 400
The Paul Reid: Diana & Arnie
Jan_Werner: Kristina
Dylan M Howell: Kiley + Richard
Inspired by Analog: Vy Mamiya 645 Pro TL 80mm 1.9 Portra 160 Developed @ Looking Glass Photo, Berkeley CA
Inspired by Analog: Vy Mamiya 645 Pro TL 80mm 1.9 Kodak Porta 160
PAAT: forest, of sorts
Jorkew: Film, dust, grain and scratches
Jan_Werner: Sophie
JackAlexanderPhotography: Dakota Blue Richards (film)
AlexandreC: 000015
JennyOphoto: Backlighting 3
Sethpen: Marion
christophergreene: The little stream behind my apartment.
JennyOphoto: Backlighting 1
kougnoff: mamiya-645 #1
Gottanikoncamera: Thornton Tuscany M6 SCN334