soul vampire: 35-28-1
游舜勛: IMG_6092
GeePerkins: Lapelle - Jess phone front 1
達蓋爾暗房 Daguerre lab: 老樹下聊天的老人家們
chiif: Voigtlander Nokton 50mm/f1.1 + M6 + Lucky SHD 100
smithbradri: img_3840-edit
lauralani: This socks.
minG_": X100 (with Soft Release)
uwekulick: Phase One 645
Fucchon: 我的摯友阿Wi --one of my best friends
Paul Swee: Husband and wife
Paul Swee: Pick one
ppro: Leica M3 with Summarit 50mm f/1.5
HUANG!: **家庭式理髮院