puthoOr photOgraphy: Cuvilliés Theater, Munich
puthoOr photOgraphy: Kathakali- a classical Indian dance-drama
puthoOr photOgraphy: light patterns
architectonboard: The Sphinx
puthoOr photOgraphy: we, photographers
chever ( very busy ): Starlights in Parola...
puthoOr photOgraphy: Good times!
chever ( very busy ): Bayside beauty...
chever ( very busy ): Good morning....
puthoOr photOgraphy: Dawn Magic
puthoOr photOgraphy: Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving ~ Albert Einstein
chever ( very busy ): Blue banded Bee..
chever ( very busy ): Thirsty Fly ?
chever ( very busy ): Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
puthoOr photOgraphy: I am ONE angry fellow :-II
puthoOr photOgraphy: Let me light up the sky for you
puthoOr photOgraphy: The busy bee has no time for sorrow. ~ William Blake
architectonboard: Taken from Hohengeroldseck Castle's Deck
puthoOr photOgraphy: the gladdest things!
chever ( very busy ): Missing you....
Kumar SS: Mantis
chever ( very busy ): Closer look...
chever ( very busy ): One face different days... Different attire one desire..:))
chever ( very busy ): Jumping spider...
chever ( very busy ): Caterpillar..
chever ( very busy ): Panning shot..
puthoOr photOgraphy: luminosity of the corridor
architectonboard: Chinese Court, Ibn Battuta Mall, Dubai