N-IC: Fireworks Spectators
rustyjaw: captive audience
janniswerner: Student
wwwe5t: Portrait
molaruso: 2010_135_0058_32_02_700
wwwe5t: Unknown person
J. S. B.: img825
bevduggan: graveyard
Chris JL: Crossing the Line [In Public]
jopaulwallace: #17 Exposed, threatened, morally wrong side
Daniel Marchand: Smoke break - Instruction #17 SPNP - "Take pictures where you're not comfortable, where you feel exposed, threatened, or morally on the wrong side." - Mirko Martin
Tommy N. Armansyah: Flying Dutchman
Chris JL: Saturday Night Bus [Nighthawks]
Nils Jorgensen: onemanband
Caroline A Dyal: Our Community?
Greg Wish: 'LUNCH' by wishphoto
lawrence_owens: Oliva, Valencia
kidsentiment: Instruction #14
PhotoBrighton: Tanks South Korea
Mindaugas Gaigalas: Street children. Why?
Alex Jablonowski Leica photographer: Wander aimlessly: in a London dock in early January, 30 ft above the water unsupported