Incho Snail✖: Think he's on to me.
Incho Snail✖: Dining solo.
Incho Snail✖: Window at sunrise.
Incho Snail✖: Box in the woods.
Incho Snail✖: 'Donut time.
Incho Snail✖: Window at evening
Incho Snail✖: Desk-space
Incho Snail✖: Yesterday's sunset.
Incho Snail✖: Rainy day today.
Incho Snail✖: [From Instagram] Foggy this morning.
Incho Snail✖: [3 of 365] Well...
Incho Snail✖: [2 of 365] Late night burrito run...
Incho Snail✖: [1 of 365] An idea...
Incho Snail✖: 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250R
Incho Snail✖: [GeekTool] I don't have a creative name for this
Incho Snail✖: Slightly modified desktop [testing GeekTool out]
Incho Snail✖: They turn 3 years-old soon, but you can't give shoes cake. There's no way of showing a pair of sneakers you appreciate them.
Incho Snail✖: Can't see much without them/I've been away...
Incho Snail✖: My things bunched together in a small space (clutter)
Incho Snail✖: Penny light
Incho Snail✖: Workspace
Incho Snail✖: They're blinds but they remind me of rays of sun.
Incho Snail✖: I'll never speak horribly of my own yard ever again
Incho Snail✖: It's "unbecoming" but I did it anyway... a little.
Incho Snail✖: Walking around outside at sundown
Incho Snail✖: So I took a photo of the floor
Incho Snail✖: Deserted hardware store
Incho Snail✖: Odd looking casts of men
Incho Snail✖: All I need/I think I'm in like but it could just be the time of day.