Nessa Plantlover: Bees safely in the swarm box
Nessa Plantlover: Bee swarm being swept into the swarm box
Nessa Plantlover: Bee swarm box
Nessa Plantlover: Bee swarm
Nessa Plantlover: A starry night sky. My 1st attempt at shooting the stars.
Nessa Plantlover: 2012-08-20 22.24.09
Nessa Plantlover: Raindrops on a Lupin leaf
Nessa Plantlover: Copper beech after the rain. Just about to drop it's leaves.
Nessa Plantlover: A perennial border with lush new spring growth
Nessa Plantlover: Hail from inside the greenhouse
Nessa Plantlover: Forget me not
Nessa Plantlover: I can never remember the name of this perennial. It came from my Grandad's garden
Nessa Plantlover: Potatoes chitted & ready to plant
Nessa Plantlover: Dillon cat having a snooze in his fave spot in the greenhouse
Nessa Plantlover: Ricin seedling
Nessa Plantlover: Carnivorous plants flower bud
Nessa Plantlover: Cosmos seedlings just germinated
Nessa Plantlover: Spiderlings in my greenhouse
Nessa Plantlover: Erythromium
Nessa Plantlover: Tulip Spring green
Nessa Plantlover: ...& cold in the east!
Nessa Plantlover: It's cold in the west...