Alex Pepperhill: Block of flats in Preston
Alex Pepperhill: Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston
Alex Pepperhill: Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston
Alex Pepperhill: Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston
Alex Pepperhill: Preston town centre
Alex Pepperhill: Bookshop in Preston
Alex Pepperhill: Wall in Preston
Alex Pepperhill: Locked gates in Preston
Alex Pepperhill: Post boxes in Preston
Alex Pepperhill: Windrush Festival 68 - Poster in Preston
Alex Pepperhill: Dorrette - Gerald Leslie Brockhurts (1933)
Alex Pepperhill: Scapa Flow - Bernard Gribble (1920)
Alex Pepperhill: The Rector's Garden Queen of the Lillies (1877) - John Atkinson Grimshaw.
Alex Pepperhill: Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston
Alex Pepperhill: Bear Baiting Jug - earthenware, Staffordshire 1760 -1800
Alex Pepperhill: Bear Jug - Salt-glazed stoneware - Staffordshire C1740
Alex Pepperhill: Art pottery - ceremic tiles
Alex Pepperhill: Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston
Alex Pepperhill: Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston
Alex Pepperhill: Preston bus station, Preston
Alex Pepperhill: Preston bus station, Preston
Alex Pepperhill: CCTV graffiti Preston
Alex Pepperhill: Graffiti in an alley in Preston
Alex Pepperhill: Cross Street, Manchester - installation of tram lines
Alex Pepperhill: Cross Street, Manchester - installation of tram lines
Alex Pepperhill: Cross Street, Manchester - installation of tram lines
Alex Pepperhill: Cross Street, Manchester - installation of tram lines
Alex Pepperhill: Cross Street, Manchester - installation of tram lines
Alex Pepperhill: Cross Street, Manchester - installation of tram lines
Alex Pepperhill: Shop window of Cotwolds off Deansgate, Manchester