pokbucs: Baby eagle in the background
pokbucs: Driftwood
pokbucs: Looking for whales
pokbucs: The eagle- no white head yet
pokbucs: Me and m eagle friends
pokbucs: 2 bald eagles!
pokbucs: BullKelp Blowhorn
pokbucs: Sweet music
pokbucs: Battle of the horns
pokbucs: TooooT!
pokbucs: Dont fall down
pokbucs: Mossy
pokbucs: Camp at red point
pokbucs: The moss was everywhere
pokbucs: Camp from a hill
pokbucs: Spikes of soft moss
pokbucs: Curves of soft moss
pokbucs: Leaving the earth embassy
pokbucs: Stick walls
pokbucs: Welcome to the earth embassy
pokbucs: IMG_0578
pokbucs: Life in the embassy
pokbucs: Singing songs and drinking beer
pokbucs: Totem on village island
pokbucs: Rock Abstracts
pokbucs: Rock Abstracts 2
pokbucs: Rock Abstracts 3
pokbucs: Rock Abstracts 4
pokbucs: Rock Abstracts 5