39910622: IMG_0079
39910622: violent red
39910622: naked around you
39910622: extingas.
39910622: siempre es así
39910622: el tráfico me impide pensar.
39910622: IMG_0041
39910622: yourstodestroy.
39910622: we were
39910622: angels with dirty faces
39910622: you.
39910622: Bones of a bmx
39910622: drkjewrjkñldrxxxxx
39910622: let me light up the sky.
39910622: always.
39910622: Heart means everything.
39910622: sabes que sí
39910622: they won't understand
39910622: apaga las luces.
39910622: let me back into your arms.
39910622: pink hair.
39910622: your hand in mine
39910622: Magic hours...
39910622: there's a storm in the sky...
39910622: le ciel se couvre