Dr Case: Yo
bit ramone: "pipi con pirueta". Sex - Grafiti, Granada, España 40
Martalona: La piruleta de Pipi
wwarby: Graffiti
►CubaGallery: background
Stewart =W=: Dashing White Stripes
bhlogiston: zebra
Antje Herzog: Elefant
bhlogiston: begging dogs
dada's place: The Dog
geckonia: Dog Park
anguila40: childhood
ce28nn: _DSC0585
yein~: rainy day #12
TIO...: Karma...
Stella+S: he can fly
Paula Val: Ballerina
Imma L.: Ballerine erranti
Taxydromos69: night call
Dan65: ... and black
thetomer: Personal Space
StephenCairns: dog walking
Stu Bo: reminiscing
saul landell: nace del silencio