midnightsoleil: IMG_1005.JPG
midnightsoleil: IMG_1004.JPG
midnightsoleil: super cool looking angels
midnightsoleil: chicago alley
midnightsoleil: angels atop a church
midnightsoleil: dusk bar
midnightsoleil: elephant underwear
midnightsoleil: elephant underpants!
midnightsoleil: elephant underpants!
midnightsoleil: elephant underpants!
midnightsoleil: elephant underpants!
midnightsoleil: elephant underpants!
midnightsoleil: love/hate relationship with american culture
midnightsoleil: chickensssssss runnin in a yard
midnightsoleil: playground
midnightsoleil: mmm carousel
midnightsoleil: look at the little pear... it looks so bashful
midnightsoleil: rooster and kitty
midnightsoleil: rooster on car hood
midnightsoleil: cemetary in matamoros, mexico
midnightsoleil: cemetary in matamoros, mexico
midnightsoleil: cemetary in matamoros, mexico
midnightsoleil: cemetary in matamoros, mexico
midnightsoleil: switchback