dt2086: I Heart Tekken
dt2086: Map
dt2086: SpokePOV Installation
dt2086: Upside-down LEDs
dt2086: Batsignal SpokePOV
dt2086: Unlock all four repair bays
dt2086: Your companions can come too!
dt2086: Exhibit the latest fashions on your mannequins
dt2086: Show off your boomsticks in the display room
dt2086: The Maintenance Level seems innocuous enough...
dt2086: Kildare, the Meditron
dt2086: A fully working kitchen, complete with pantry
dt2086: This place is obviously just for repairs, right?
dt2086: If you fix the robot, will he be friend or foe?
dt2086: You really should check the upgrade terminal...
dt2086: A whole new floor of the Lucky 38
dt2086: Brotherhood of Blue Steel
dt2086: A final check of the rad count
dt2086: Danger lurks round every corner
dt2086: Exploring the under-city
dt2086: Ready to leave the vault
dt2086: Off into the Wasteland
dt2086: Background radiation seems OK...