jamie heiden: In Due Course
Daryl Luk: Snow Geese
Nick green2012: BONSAI !
Daryl Luk: Millennium Bridge London
alex saberi: The Forest Has Eyes
kaising_fung: Return 回返
alex saberi: Bringer of Light
dasanes77: Origin.
lesleymattuchio: Fiery-throated and Green Violetear Hummingbirds
robchen1357: DSC_4506_9015
Nick green2012: Hide and seek !
alex saberi: Tranquility
muddypaws6797: Woodsy The Owl
Monica@Boston: Throughout the Autumn
Nick green2012: Old white leg!
Daryl Luk: 2017-06-18 D169 當許多個無限短的瞬間被壓縮成一個時間點的時候,過去,現在,未來都將會變得沒有什麼意義。假如可以當一個時間的旁觀者,可能會發現一切的紛擾都會消失,然後只剩下無邊無際的静谧。
Daryl Luk: 2018/01/10 D10 A bourbon is just want I need
Daryl Luk: 2018/03/31 D90 Parking lot
Daryl Luk: 如詩如畫,如夢如幻,如煙如紗,如真如假
Phil~Koch: Autumn Stroll
kaising_fung: Horizon and beyond 地平線以外
Phil~Koch: Neither the World Above nor Below FB
lesleymattuchio: Eastern Screech Owl
Daryl Luk: 2018/03/13 D72 Just another snow day
Daryl Luk: 2018/01/26 D26 三個世界
Monica@Boston: Welcome to the Iceland
Daryl Luk: Skateboard Beauty