Alicia's Homemaking: These munchkins. <3
Alicia's Homemaking: With the lovely bride! #hareholmeswedding
Alicia's Homemaking: Today is the happy day! #hareholmeswedding
Alicia's Homemaking: Little girl attending her SECOND wedding! #hareholmeswedding
Alicia's Homemaking: Annual Christmas tradition: Decorate the tree, listen to Christmas music, and drink eggnog. This boy was seriously into the eggnog!
Alicia's Homemaking: This is the 1st year he's been excited to help decorate the tree. :)
Alicia's Homemaking: His favorite. :) Thanks @pamperrin!
Alicia's Homemaking: Nighttime has been like a marathon around here lately...very little sleep from 12-3 am especially! Thankful for coffee and a few moments for breakfast.
Alicia's Homemaking: Bahaha! She looks hilarious in her new cloth diaper...
Alicia's Homemaking: Excited to read this book!
Alicia's Homemaking: This quiet moment is brought to me by auntie @lindseypemberton, who is so kindly watching our two boys for several days! The house is so quiet with only a newborn....
Alicia's Homemaking: This is so much better than a bump picture!! Enjoying my girl tonight...
Alicia's Homemaking: Happy morning things. :)
Alicia's Homemaking: 1st post-pregnancy sushi!!!! Aaaahhhhh.
Alicia's Homemaking: Baby girl with her great grandparents. #vinsonfamilythanksgiving2013
Alicia's Homemaking: Nothing like the fireplace at Memaw and Papa's house! E was in love. #vinsonfamilythanksgiving2013
Alicia's Homemaking: Her first time dressed up. We covered bows, lace, Mary Jane booties, polka dots, and cardigans, hehe! #vinsonfamilythanksgiving2013
Alicia's Homemaking: A certain someone was the center of attention today... #vinsonfamilythanksgiving2013
Alicia's Homemaking: Pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen! @michaelaraej #vinsonfamilythanksgiving2013
Alicia's Homemaking: My little sisters! @hrvgirl824 #vinsonfamilythanksgiving2013
Alicia's Homemaking: We weren't planning on traveling for #thanksgiving, since I'm just one week out from a difficult Csection. But yesterday I got all homesick at the thought of all my family just 2.5 hrs away! So we are making a day trip. Happy Thanksgiving! #vinsonfamilyth
Alicia's Homemaking: First time traveling in the van together as a family of five! :) #vinsonfamilythanksgiving2013
Alicia's Homemaking: One week old. <3 Doing her favorite thing...sleeping!