Piper_H: Someone buy me this
Piper_H: From my baby :)
Piper_H: I am in love.
Piper_H: First scrapped knee
Piper_H: So what's the deal with rocks?
Piper_H: Our baby birds.
Piper_H: The two men in my life and the girl we all adore
Piper_H: Her other Grandpa
Piper_H: Grandad has a way with her
Piper_H: enticed by a lens cap
Piper_H: What the hell mother?
Piper_H: No diving dumbass
Piper_H: What month is it?
Piper_H: Napping is not on her agenda
Piper_H: This is why we don't watch movies
Piper_H: Her first Christmas tree
Piper_H: This is her "napping"
Piper_H: I meant to post this yesterday, but I was still in bed sobbing
Piper_H: Today, to further the cause of laziness awareness, we staged a sleep-in.
Piper_H: the makings of a cute shot
Piper_H: 2 months already
Piper_H: A bit dramatic
Piper_H: Eczema?
Piper_H: My litte bunny
Piper_H: takes me back
Piper_H: It's like she *wants* me to have a heartattack
Piper_H: loves her daddy
Piper_H: not always rainbows and pony rides
Piper_H: Scooby Doo band-aid
Piper_H: 11 days new