Michał Koralewski - mobile photography:
Follow the leader
Michał Koralewski - mobile photography:
Two of us
Hans-Jörg Aleff:
Puddle Step
Tasty food & photography:
Michał Koralewski - mobile photography:
A fine day to exit
Michał Koralewski - mobile photography:
You can find a striking moment when you least expect it if your eyes are open to it. I won IPPAwards 2015!
Michał Koralewski - mobile photography:
Invisible city
Michał Koralewski - mobile photography:
Project: Shrinking Poznań
Michał Koralewski - mobile photography:
Michał Koralewski - mobile photography:
The walk of life
Michał Koralewski - mobile photography:
Tiny houses
Michał Koralewski - mobile photography:
Leaking colors
Michał Koralewski - mobile photography:
Sounds of the old town (re-edited)