Christopher NietzscheGuevara: No Fracking Way!!
Christopher NietzscheGuevara: Intimidation Tactics (sponsored by the Dept of Homeland Security)
Christopher NietzscheGuevara: Veterans of NATO wars march against NATO.
Christopher NietzscheGuevara: This is what a police-state looks like.
Christopher NietzscheGuevara: Bracing for the worst.
Christopher NietzscheGuevara: Indiscriminate police violence.
Christopher NietzscheGuevara: "Oh, you know..Just watching my men beat the F#@K out of some kids...No big deal."
Christopher NietzscheGuevara: Through the poles!!
Christopher NietzscheGuevara: Blunt-game proper.
Christopher NietzscheGuevara: Matt M's Thrasher Cover
Christopher NietzscheGuevara: Egyptian Consulate Action, NYC.
Christopher NietzscheGuevara: X-mas 2011 (Yes, that is an "X" where "Christ" would "normally" go. And for good reason.)
Christopher NietzscheGuevara: Miracle on 34th St.
Christopher NietzscheGuevara: Even an 8 year-old understands!
Christopher NietzscheGuevara: Sleeping in Liberty Square
Christopher NietzscheGuevara: They absolutely knew better than to leave such an iconic symbol of global capitalism unguarded.
Christopher NietzscheGuevara: We will NOT remain silent!
Christopher NietzscheGuevara: Christopher sums it up.
Christopher NietzscheGuevara: Horses are the new Pit Bulls in the hood!
Christopher NietzscheGuevara: Last of the Air-Cooleds