Effïe: >u<
Effïe: Hiyaa <3
Effïe: BDO on my mind <3
Effïe: Let me play for you :3
Effïe: Creativity morning <3
Effïe: Still here <3
Effïe: Sidetrack day wooo
Effïe: Back from America
Effïe: Summer is ending soon D:
Effïe: Cute store ♥
Effïe: When you try out the new class in BDO
Effïe: Cute Riverwood mod
Effïe: Snack ♥
Effïe: So cute ♥
Effïe: What are you thinking ♥
Effïe: Relax with me ♥
Effïe: Arcade ♥
Effïe: Soon~
Effïe: Hii there cutie ♥
Effïe: Came back, shopped a bunch and made this <3
Effïe: Back to BDO <3
Effïe: :3