FDR Photography:
Needed to be reminded of some color…
Gediminas Gražulevičius, Lithuania:
Liepsnelė (Erithacus rubecula) Robin; Didžioji zylė (Parus major) Great Tit - 0R1A1118
Digital Plume Hunter:
Marsh Sandpiper
Digital Plume Hunter:
Common Greenshank
Digital Plume Hunter:
Green Sandpiper
Digital Plume Hunter:
Wood Sandpiper
photosauraus rex:
Rufous Hummingbird
Tom H Ellis:
Digital Plume Hunter:
Asian Green Bee-eater
Digital Plume Hunter:
Painted Stork
Digital Plume Hunter:
Black-tailed Godwit
Gord Sawyer:
Long eared Owl
Digital Plume Hunter:
Temminck's Stint
Digital Plume Hunter:
Temminck's Stint
Jerry Ting:
Blue-winged Teal
Jerry Ting:
Lewis's Woodpecker
monte stinnett:
Red Breasted Merganser (drake)
FDR Photography:
Mrs. Snowy
Gediminas Gražulevičius, Lithuania:
Rudagalvis kiras (Larus ridibundus) Black-headed Gull, Lachmöwe - 0R1A0002
Digital Plume Hunter:
Ashy Prinia
Digital Plume Hunter:
Eurasian Hoopoe
Digital Plume Hunter:
Eurasian Hoopoe
John Arthur Thompson:
Sandwich Tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis)
Gregs eBirds:
Eastern Screech Owl
Digital Plume Hunter:
Black Redstart