fugur: Swinging Bridge area
fugur: Self reflection
fugur: Red-eyed Vireo
fugur: Cape May Warbler
fugur: Black-and-white Warbler
fugur: Coffee shop worker
fugur: Children playing
fugur: Pigeons feeding
fugur: Hoatzin
fugur: Slaty Gnateater
fugur: White-throated Toucan
fugur: Wire-crested Thorntail
fugur: Rufous-crested Couquet
fugur: Horned Screamer
fugur: Tawny-bellied Screech Owl
fugur: Amazonian Embrallabird
fugur: Green-and-gold Tanager
fugur: Silver-beaked Tanager
fugur: Family
fugur: Shop owner
fugur: Old Woman
fugur: Banana worker
fugur: Lodge Manager
fugur: At Bus station
fugur: At train station
fugur: At train station
fugur: Performer
fugur: Dad and daughter
fugur: Crossing the rail
fugur: At bus station