Jörg Schäfer: Full Colour Feature
dave dube': Smooth cap Mushrooms under the old Cherry Tree
Catimini79: Magic hats
dave dube': Arches before the crowds
Trevor Dobson: Milky Way above Bluff Knoll - Stirling Ranges, Western Australia
зоок: DSCF2749_849 fungi 2024
VitorJK: Arouca Geopark - Cando & Trilho Juízo Final - N8129
marianna armata: ice-melt on moss
Xx7trey: Damselfly (argia)
dave dube': Sidewinder
Catimini79: Ephemeral fairies
dave dube': In the light
James Webb Space Telescope: Hats Off to NASA's Webb: Sombrero Galaxy Dazzles in New Image (MIRI)
James Webb Space Telescope: Sombrero Galaxy (Hubble and Webb Image)
VitorJK: Trilho da Cascata e Alto da Fórnea - Serra de Aire e Candeeiros - N4397
-Weissglut-: Autumn Path
Sigurd Krieger: Bubble Universe
.|mwopics|.: cleo auf dem baumstumpf
KaAuenwasser: Gelbes Laub und Eisvogel
KaAuenwasser: Anflug mit Fisch
KaAuenwasser: Blauer Sturzflug
dave dube': Burn area Mushrooms
-Weissglut-: Still-Motion
dave dube': triple yard art