pickled_newt: Vengeance is of the Lord
pickled_newt: The age of grace will soon be over
VinceFL: Scape-039
pickled_newt: Last days
pickled_newt: Seek ye the Lord while He may be found
pickled_newt: Jesus is the only way out !
VinceFL: Drop_039.jpg [Explore 07-04-2013]
AJC_01: Ceres Tours 55003
pickled_newt: Jesus is risen from the dead !
VinceFL: HDR-Frog
VinceFL: MG Midget
pickled_newt: " If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you." ~ John 15:7
VinceFL: HDR-Flowers
VinceFL: Rust Oxidation
Anjan's Gallary: A view of Rishikesh City...
pickled_newt: Isles of the sea
pickled_newt: Jo's Chicken Barbeque with rice