warusoneko: custom Middie Blythe
shimmering magic: Is this Wonderland? ADAD 2011
Laonjena: IMGP4720
Blythe Boy: summer-anne bloom
svohljott: Set-chan sitting with pillow.
svohljott: Hi, I'm Bootsy Edens.
Elowynn: Flower power
The Blythe Banner: Shabby Chic room
ilil ziv: Toy (and a doll) Story
elley (Linda): Waiting for bus #1 to the university
frankielulu2: Thelma
frankielulu2: Thelma and Boo Explore
frankielulu2: Thelma
irulethegalaxy: infamous and obligatory tree shot
KillahTomato @ Vinyl Belly: Little Miss Frizzy Hair…
Super Doily: no.5 Doily custom
*anime_fan*: With Mr. Whiskers
Flapi: Crafty Girl
Minitα: Snowflake Sonata
MandyLynn: Kristen
Elowynn: Great day in the grass!
Elowynn: Cute pink girl