Devin Griffiths: American Tree Sparrow
MaryKeleher: Orange-crowned Warbler
crosson_p: Snowy owl - Cape Cod Emerald Tanager
Devin Griffiths: Eurasian Blue Tit White-faced Capuchin mamma and baby
crosson_p: Blackpoll warbler - Barnstable
MaryKeleher: Connecticut Warbler
MaryKeleher: Lawrence's Warbler
Devin Griffiths: Hooded Warbler
Devin Griffiths: Semipalmated Plover (leucistic)
Devin Griffiths: Black-throated Green Warbler
Devin Griffiths: Waders and Gulls
Devin Griffiths: Black-bellied Whistling Ducks
Jim Zenock: 204A0510_DxO-2
crosson_p: Atlantic white-sided dolphin - Stellwagen Bank NMS, Cape Cod, MA
crosson_p: Atlantic white-sided dolphins - Stellwagen Bank NMS, Cape Cod, MA
crosson_p: Manx shearwater - Stellwagen Bank NMS, Cape Cod, MA Townsend's Warbler - Dalton Highway, Alaska
crosson_p: Mrs. Gould's sunbird - MandaLa, Arunachal Pradesh, IN
crosson_p: Himalayan monal - Se La Pass, Arunachal Pradesh, India
crosson_p: Green-tailed sunbird - Arunachal Pradesh, India
crosson_p: Red-whiskered bulbul - Nameri NP, Assam, IN
Devin Griffiths: Oilbirds
Devin Griffiths: Tufted Coquette
Devin Griffiths: White-bearded Manakin
Devin Griffiths: Yellow-rumped Warbler
Devin Griffiths: Say's Phoebe
Devin Griffiths: White-throated Sparrow
crosson_p: Orange-crowned warbler (late) - Barnstable